Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Van & Jake Rock!

If you're a fan of Van Hansis and/or Jake Silbermann, you've got to check out this video. Van & Jake sat down with Brian Juergens from AfterElton to talk about Luke & Noah and the upcoming Rock The Soap cruise, which they're participating in.

They don't just talk, though. They video begins and ends with footage of the boys playing Rock Band and it's a lot of fun to watch. The guys were clearly having fun, and not just with the game. Van & Jake each have a great sense of humor and one plays off the other very well, making the interview very amusing, too.

Of course, I also liked when they got a bit more serious and were discussing their characters. Van praised the upcoming story with Damian, which makes me even more impatient for the current mess to be done with so we can get to that!

Brian, who does the hilarious liveblogs of the Luke & Noah episodes for AfterElton, asked if Luke being so upset by Reg's death is something that we'll find out the reason for in upcoming episodes, but Van said that Luke & Reg were just really good friends offscreen and that Luke's lack of direction in life plays a part in how involved in Reg's death he's become.

I think one of the hardest parts of being an actor on soaps must be having to talk seriously about stories that aren't very good without trashing them!

Check out the interview, it's a lot of fun.

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