Friday, February 20, 2009


I was just reading on AfterElton that Dustin Lance Black, the screenwriter behind Milk, has another gay themed biopic coming to the big screen: Pedro, a movie about the life of the late AIDS activist and Real World star Pedro Zamora.

Pedro's season of The Real World is often cited by people as the last time the show actually had any meaning, before it all became about overly dramatic drunk twenty somethings hooking up and fighting non-stop. I completely understand that, though the show had some meaning for me personally later on, during the New Orleans season with Danny Roberts and his military boyfriend Paul.

But leaving that aside, there's no doubt that the show skewed off in a very different direction after Pedro's season, choosing to go more with the type of manufactured drama provided by his ousted housemate Puck, than with anything resembling actual reality as most of us experience it. It's truly a shame, because by featuring someone like Pedro, they really showed what an impact reality TV could have had.

Pedro was one of the first real LGBT people I ever had any awareness of and there's no doubt that watching him live his life on the show with dignity and find love and commit himself to his partner had a big impact on me.

I'm really excited that this film has been made and I can't wait to see it.

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