Wednesday, February 25, 2009


I just finished watching Adam Lambert (above, from the Hollywood week portion of the show) bring down the house with his performance of Satisfaction on American Idol. I love this guy! He's got such an incredible voice and my God was that a sexy performance of the song! I liked it so much that I just bought his version of the song on iTunes.

I'd been wondering for the past couple of weeks if I was actually going to vote. I mean, watching American Idol is one thing, but voting would mean I'd really gone over to the dark side!

By the time Adam finished singing, though, I was on the phone. In for a penny, in for a pound, right? I want to see Adam go as far as he can in this show.

The best thing was that the judges all really praised him (well, Simon only partially praised him), so I think that's a good sign. He was by far the best guy who performed tonight, though there were two or three women who really impressed me as well.

I think Adam will move on to the next round tomorrow, but I have a feeling that I'm going to be a fan of his for a long time to come, no matter what happens.

On a completely gratuitous and unrelated note, have you seen this new picture of Battlestar Galactica's Jamie Bamber?! I think this is conclusive evidence that he's the most perfect man ever.

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