Monday, July 06, 2009

Luke Day: Cake Reunion!

Luke put in a brief appearance on today's As the World Turns. There weren't any Nuke scenes, but we did have a bit of a Cake reunion. Cake, if you don't know, was the fan nickname bestowed upon Casey and Luke during their fake relationship back when Noah was married to Ameera. The only enjoyable thing about that entire endless mess of a storyline was seeing Luke tease Casey about the two of them being a couple. Well, that and Casey yelling "I quit you, Luke!" when he 'ended' things in public!

I digress. Our Cake reunion today took place at Java, where Casey and Luke met up for coffee. Luke explained that Colonel Mayer was being sent to a maximum security prison and that Noah had taken the day off, wanting some time to himself to try and process everything that had happened.

Casey is reluctantly keeping quiet about the fact that Riley Morgan is really his 'dead' brother Adam, since that's what his mother wants. Not even Casey's father, Tom, knows the truth. So, when Luke asked what had happened with that whole situation, Casey covered about Riley's real identity and said that Margo wanted to give Riley a second chance. Then, Casey had the bright idea to have Luke do his dirty work for him.

Casey pointed out that Riley had been involved with Colonel Mayer and played the fear card, planting the worry in Luke's mind that the Colonel may still be planning some sort of abduction of Noah. Luke agreed to tell Tom that Riley wasn't who he claimed to be.

Luke found Tom at the Lakeview and told him that he'd seen a picture of the real Riley Morgan and that it wasn't the guy who was staying at the Hughes house. Not surprisingly, Tom wanted more details, but that was all Luke was able to say, since he'd promised to leave Casey out of it.

That was also the last we saw of Luke today. If you're interested in knowing what happened with Tom, he confronted 'Riley' about not having the right face and Adam covered by showing the burns on his (very yummy) chest and telling Tom he was Riley, but had a new face after being burned in an explosion in Afghanistan.

So, not much for Luke to do today, but Van looked great doing it. I'm very ready for them to bring on Noah's hunky gay film school advisor.

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