Friday, July 10, 2009

Kish: A Mild Case of Gay Panic

Today was my favorite of all days, a Kish day on One Life to Live. Their scenes began with Fish and Layla on another date, this time at the fancy Palace Hotel. Layla was surprised that Fish could afford the place on a cop's salary, but Fish told her they had something to celebrate. Before he could tell her exactly what that was, though, she took a phone call from Cristian, who asked her if she wanted to stop by his family's diner, The Buenos Dias, for dinner. Layla, of course, wasted no time in telling him that she was out with Fish.

Layla and Fish had just been seated but hadn't even ordered yet when Cristian called Layla back, on the pretext of telling her that she needed to buy more orange juice because she'd finished the last of it that morning. While Cristian was talking, Kyle came into the Buenos Dias and overheard him say something about Layla being on a date with Fish.

Kyle asked if Cristian meant Oliver Fish and Cristian explained that Fish was his roommate and that he was dating his other roommate. Kyle said he'd seen them together at Capricorn and that Layla seemed sweet. "Too bad it's not going to work out."

That, of course, peaked Cristian's interest and he asked what Kyle meant. Kyle tried to cover by saying that he just meant it wouldn't work because of the whole roommate thing, but Cristian said that if there was anything he needed to know about Fish, Kyle should tell him. Kyle said that Fish was a great guy and that there was nothing Cristian needed to know that he wouldn't find out eventually.

Cristian still wouldn't relent, though, and asked if Fish was bad news for Layla. Kyle admitted that she could end up getting hurt and Cristian demanded to know what that meant. Was Fish abusive? As if! I can barely picture the adorable Fish busting a perp for jaywalking, let alone beating a woman! Kyle quickly squashed that idea but did tell Cristian that Fish was using Layla.

Back at the Palace Hotel, Fish ordered champagne from a flirty waiter who was practically devouring Oliver with his eyes, and told Layla that they were celebrating her new job: John McBain had approved her application to be his assistant.

Layla was thrilled, of course, and after they'd toasted her new job she raised a glass to Fish for being a guy 'cute enough and comfortable with himself enough not to care who's checking him out.'

Fish was confused, but after Layla told him that the waiter was into him he insisted that the guy was just being friendly. Layla rather hilariously informed Fish that she has impeccable gaydar and can always tell when someone is gay. She assured her date that the waiter was crushing on him (and who could blame him?).

Oliver was completely unsettled by this, so much so that Layla brought it up again over their soup, noting that it was flattering to be noticed by men and women. Fish replied that being noticed by a hot girl was one thing, but...

Layla told him that getting uptight about these things is not hot and that just because the waiter is gay doesn't mean Fish is gay. Oliver quickly changed the subject, suggesting they leave the restaurant. Layla pointed out that they hadn't had their main course and Oliver said that, whether it was because of the champagne or because she was so beautiful, he wanted to finish their date back at their place.

Layla joked she wasn't easy and that a bottle of champagne would only get him to first base, maybe second. Could he handle that? Fish told her that he could and when her back was turned he exchanged a glance with the waiter and gave him an awkward little wave, which may have just been his way of asking for their check, but still seemed full of subtext.

This was another really good episode, even though Kyle and Fish didn't actually have any scenes together. They're continuing to show us just how uncomfortable Fish feels about his sexuality and how hard he's working to try and prove to himself that he's straight.

I also like that Layla and Cristian are so clearly into each other that Fish isn't going to end up breaking her heart when he finally accepts who he is. We've seen that story play out on other shows, from Germany's Verboten Liebe (Christian of Christan and Ollie had a girlfriend when he fell for Ollie, and Ulli of Tom and Ulli did as well on the same show ten years before that) to As the World Turns (Noah was with Maddie when he fell for Luke) and even Dawson's Creek (Jack was with Joey when he came out, not that he had a boyfriend to be with after that!). I'm glad OLTL is going a different route.

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