Tuesday, June 09, 2009

Nuke Day: Lights, Camera, Very Little Action

Luke & Noah were present again on today's As the World Turns, though they didn't have a great deal to do. The show started with Noah trying to round up a last minute film crew so that he could interview a visiting Army Lieutenant for his film, someone who'd known his father. Everyone he talked to was busy with other student films, though, so Luke offered to be his camera man and suggested they enlist Casey to do sound.

The guys headed over to Tom & Margo's place, where Tom & Casey were both worried that Margo seemed to be avoiding the grieving process for Adam by replacing him with new house guest Riley Morgan.

In fact, several heavy handed hints that Riley may actually be Adam with a new face were coming fast and furious all during the episode since the writers on this show haven't got a clue what subtlety is, much less how to utilize it in their writing. If Riley isn't Adam, they certainly want us to suspect he might be.

Margo more or less volunteered Riley and Casey to both help with Noah's film, and once the guys were all at the Lakeview setting up for the interview Riley seemed a bit unnerved to learn that they'd be filming an army officer who'd served in the Middle East.

The mystery hunk claimed not to know anything about the new guy or about Noah's late father and explained that the Middle East was a big place and he hadn't spent much time hanging out with the higher ups. When Riley tried to make a quick get away by remembering another appointment, Casey practically screamed something to the effect of "That's just what Adam would do! Offer help and then not deliver!"

As it happened, the Lieutenant showed up before Riley could leave and when he found out that Riley had served in Afghanistan he asked him if he knew some person there or another who'd served there. Riley said that he had, but claimed that the guy probably wouldn't remember him if asked.

After the interview (which wasn't shown) Luke commented that the Lieutenant seemed like a really nice guy and Noah pointed out that his stories had also made Colonel Mayer sound like a nice guy. Riley was surprised to hear that Noah's dad hadn't been so nice to his own son and Luke rather adorably slung his arm around Noah from behind and said it was because Noah was gay.

Casey took the opportunity to demand to know if Riley had a problem with gays, but the question was left unanswered as Luke & Noah made their exit.

Back at their house, the guys talked over how well the filming had gone and Noah confessed that he thought Casey was right to be suspicious of Riley. Something about him just didn't sit right, Noah explained, especially the fact that he'd never heard of Colonel Mayer, a legend among American troops in the Mid East.

Luke teased his boyfriend a bit about Noah being the one jumping to conclusions this time and suggested he get to know Riley a bit better to put his mind at ease.

You'd think the boys would have learned by now that getting overly friendly with anyone new in town is a risk not worth taking. There's at least an 85% chance that they'll turn out to be total psycho by the end of the month!

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