Thursday, June 18, 2009

Fish & Kyle: The Beginning

Today's One Life to Live featured the first scenes between Kyle Lewis and Oliver Fish (who generally goes just by the name Fish) since the news broke that the two of them had a secret romance back in college that would be revived on the show in the near future.

Before I talk about today's scenes, I should catch the uninitiated up on what has happened between the two onscreen up until now (also, if you'd like, you can follow this link to see a compilation video of their earlier scenes).

Kyle & Fish first ran into each other at the gym a few months ago, when they both went for opposite ends of the same punching bag at the same time (awww!). It was the first time the two had seen each other since they were in college and frat brothers at the KAD fraternity.

After some awkward catching up about what they'd been up to in the years since then (Fish is a cop, Kyle a Med student working as a lab tech), Oliver couldn't seem to get away from Kyle quickly enough.

After that, the two started running in to each other more frequently. Fish was working on the KAD serial killing case and the connection between him, Kyle, and the frat served to make both of them suspects, to some degree, for the audience. (Background: in 1993, Marty Saybrooke was raped at the KAD frat house by Todd Manning, Powell Lord, and Zach Rosen. The frat was closed down after that and Kyle & Fish were brothers years later, in the first year that the frat was reinstated on the campus in a new house. This year, someone began killing people connected to Marty and leaving the letters K, A, and D on their bodies)

At the same time, Kyle was involved in his own shady dealings. He agreed to help fake a lab report that showed that Stacey Morasco was a stem cell match for her nephew Shane, who had leukemia, and then to secretly harvest the stem cells from the actual match (it's a long story).

He also figured out that Jessica Brennan, who suffers from Dissociative Identity Disorder, had switched Todd Manning's grandchild shortly after birth with her own dead baby. Or, rather, that one of Jessica's other personalities, Bess, had done so. Kyle chose to use this information to attempt to blackmail Jessica's sister Natalie, who also knew the truth, for a hundred thousand dollars, explaining that Med school is expensive.

Things came to a head the night that the KAD serial killer- Powell Lord- and his accomplice, Kyle's sister Rebecca, were holding Todd Manning, Marty Saybrooke, and two other women hostage at the old KAD house. Kyle inadvertently stumbled into the mess when he showed up at Todd's house to offer to sell him the information about the baby switch since Natalie wasn't forking out the money that Kyle had demanded. He was surprised when he found his sister there instead of Todd, keeping an eye on Mannings' two young sons while Powell was off doing his serial killer thing.

When Kyle told Rebecca why he was there, she asked him to stay with the kids (who, unbeknownst to him, were not upstairs sleeping like his sister claimed but were actually locked in a closet) and she proceeded to go and kidnap the baby and take her to Powell at the frat house.

Long story short, Fish ended up having to arrest Kyle when it looked like he'd been involved in the kidnapping of four people and the murders of three others. Kyle is no longer suspected of having been involved with Rebecca and Powell's plan, but he is facing blackmail charges.

Most recently, Fish broke up a fight between Kyle and Schuyler Joplin (a character who has figured out that Kyle helped Stacey pretend to save Shane's life) but when Kyle thanked Fish for his help, Fish made it clear that he doesn't think very highly of Kyle at the moment and that they no longer have any sort of personal relationship.

All right, so that's the background on the two of them up until now.

On today's show, Fish (looking damn sexy in his uniform!) ran into his new roommate/former crush Layla in the park playing with her dog. After a joke about writing her up for breaking the leash law fell flat and left Layla acting rather cold, Fish wondered if she was still hung up about the 'whole Stacey Morasco thing'.

Fish had a crush on Layla and they were supposed to share a dance on the night of the Go Red Ball. He even took dancing lessons! But Layla blew him off all night long, time after time, and so when Stacey threw herself at him, he ended up going home with her for what turned out, to his disappointment, to be a one night stand. Layla, for some inexplicable reason, chose to see this as a betrayal at the time.

At any rate, the two quickly agreed that the whole thing was ancient history and at about that time, Kyle came jogging by. Kyle thanked Fish again for saving his ass from Schuyler and assured him that it had all been a misunderstanding. Fish said that he hears that a lot, usually from people trying to get out of a crime they've just committed.

We did see a brief flash of something like feelings for Kyle on Fish's face when Kyle noted that he'd just lost his sister, but then he just rather coldly offered his sympathy.

Kyle wondered if this was how it was always going to be between them now and told Fish that he's trying to get his life back together. Fish was less than impressed and Kyle sarcastically thanked him for being a pal and resumed his run.

Layla wondered why Fish hadn't introduced her to Kyle and he explained that he's not someone she would want to know, that he's in trouble with the law. The rather astute Layla asked if Fish was sure that was all there was between the two of them and Fish explained that they'd once been frat brothers. When Layla remarked that it must bother Fish to see Kyle, Oliver got a slightly panicked look on his face until Layla said that she meant because Kyle is now in trouble with the law.

Fish rather tellingly changed the subject by wondering if Layla and their other roommate, Christian, might be more than friends, which Layla quickly denied. Was there any way, Fish asked, that Layla could give him a second chance? Layla explained that she didn't think that was a good idea, given that they were roommates now and it could get awkward.

Fish seemed to accept that, but mentioned that he had some really great tickets, so he'd thought he'd ask. Layla perked up at that news and agreed to give it another try after all! This was especially amusing since Fish never even said what the tickets were for! For all she knows, he's going to take her to a monster truck rally or Disney on Ice!

After Fish left to go back to work, Layla wondered aloud to her dog just what exactly had gone down between Fish & Kyle.

So, there wasn't all that much with Kyle and Fish today, but it was clear that Kyle cares about what Fish thinks of him. It was also pretty telling that Fish followed up the encounter by asking out Layla, as if he were afraid of his own feelings for Kyle and had to do something to prove they weren't real.

Meanwhile, Gigi Morasco is planning to try and seduce Kyle into telling her who the real stem cell donor for her son Shane was and she called him at the end of today's show to ask for a meeting. It should be interesting to see how Kyle reacts to this attempted seduction by a woman!

I wonder what the requisite name combining nickname for the couple will end up being? Kish? Fyle? It will be exciting not only to see Fish coming to terms with his feelings for Kyle, but also how the relationship itself, between the straight laced police officer and the shades of gray lab tech, works.

I know there was a lot of background info crammed in here, but even though their own story has barely begun, they're both already very connected to other plots. As I mentioned before, I love the writing on this show. I especially love how the stories overlap and connect to each other, which is how a good soap should always play out!

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