Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Nuke Day: Broke Noah and Spoiled Luke

Luke & Noah were back on As the World Turns today, in scenes that didn't have anything to do with Riley Morgan for a change.

The show started off with the guys watching the scintillating footage of Noah going through all three things in his late father's box of personal items sent by the army. Luke, ever the good boyfriend, raved about how powerful the film was going to be and suggested that Noah do a bit with his father's medals and what each of them was for, and about both the fear and the respect Noah felt towards his Dad while he was growing up.

Noah told Luke that he wouldn't be able to finish the film because he'd already spent all the money and didn't have enough for the computer software for editing and for a plane ticket to interview soldiers who knew his father on the bases where he was stationed. I'm sorry, was Noah's budget made up entirely of a week's tips from Java? He's got a volunteer film crew, so what exactly have his expenses been so far?

Noah explained that he can't work at Java 24/7 to earn the money, especially not when he wants to spend time with Luke and when they're supposed to be moving into their summer apartment. Finally! I thought the show was going to completely drop the apartment thing.

At any rate, Luke immediately offered to provide Noah with funding from the Foundation, but Noah refused and pointed out that he's not a charity. Luke wanted to help, though, so Noah handed him a stack of grant applications and asked him to start filling them out while he worked his shift at Java.

Noah was barely out the door before Luke decided that there had to be an easier way to fund Noah's film than filling out paperwork. He immediately set off to find Damian, from whom he apparently no longer has any qualms about asking for Grimaldi money.

Luke found his biodad and his Aunt Meg on a date of sorts, sharing ice cream cones on a bench in Old Town. He wasted no time in asking for help funding Noah's film and Damian whipped his checkbook out at the speed of light. Luke asked for 'a couple of thousand' and was handed a check for twenty grand. He sort of protested at the large amount, but just in a perfunctory way, and then ran off to give the money to Noah.

Meg, meanwhile, pointed out that Damian was more or less buying his son's affection and wondered if Luke should really be rewarded in such a way, given that he was kicked out of school and isn't working. Damian tried to bring up the foundation (leaving out Luke's freelance crime fighting and film crew work), but Meg countered that as great as the work that her nephew does is, he only works there when he feels like it.

Damian seemed to give that some serious thought. I wonder if it will actually lead to anything? I'd love to see Luke doing something with his life again, honestly. What happened to him wanting to be a writer? That hasn't been mentioned in a really long time.

Over at Java, Luke presented Noah with the check, though of course Noah said he couldn't take it: If Luke wanted to be supported by his family, that was one thing, but Noah isn't Luke. Luke freely admitted to being a spoiled brat, but talked again about how important Noah's film is and how if it helps him forgive his father and move on, it will be worth it.

Finally, the two reached a compromise: Noah will accept Damian's check but spend only what he needs of it, and then they will pay Damian back with the grant funding that Noah is sure to get when all those tedious forms are filled out.

Later, Noah noticed that the DVD with the footage they've filmed so far was missing from his laptop. Who, he wondered, would steal a DVD but leave the laptop behind? Since the footage is all backed up on his hard drive, Luke said it didn't really matter, though Noah was clearly perplexed.

I'm sure it was a rival film student who knew that Noah's documentary was so amazing that his own film stood no chance against it! Either that or the 'late' Colonel Mayer snuck into Java in some clever disguise (coat rack? potted plant?) and made off with it. Maybe he thought it was some gay porn that he had to 'save' Noah from.

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