Wednesday, June 03, 2009

New Hampshire Makes Six!

There are now six states in America in which same sex marriage is legal. This is pretty amazing, given that there were only two such states when the year began.

Today New Hampshire became the fourth state this year to legalize the union of same sex couples, and the third state in which it became legal through a vote in the legislature rather than through the courts.

Congratulations to LGBT couples in the state of New Hampshire and bravo to those in the legislature who passed this bill and to Governor John Lynch for signing it into law!

In spite of the awful setback of Proposition 8 being upheld by the California Supreme Court, we're clearly making real progress in the fight for marriage equality. As more states legalize same sex marriage and more LGBT couples marry, the arguments of the religious right will be exposed as ridiculous when marriage as an institution does not crumble and the world doesn't come to an end just because people love each other.

Best of all, married LGBT couples will become less and less of an unusual thing to see, and with familiarity comes acceptance. A lot of people are only terrified of this issue because it seems so foreign (and, of course, because the religious right is using it to stir up all sorts of fears). That will fade as it becomes more common, just as the fear of interracial marriage did.

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