Saturday, March 21, 2009

So Disappointing!

I hate it when you find out something about a person that you really admire that totally ruins who you thought they were. It doesn't necessarily alter what you liked about them in the first place, of course,yet they'll never be quite the same in your eyes again.

I've always really liked Mary Tyler Moore. Well, who doesn't, really? I guess I just always assumed that she was a politically progressive person in addition to being generally awesome as an actress and comedienne.

I was just doing some insomnia fueled web surfing and I saw a link on Towleroad to a Parade Magazine article on Mary in which she discusses her political views briefly. Turns out, the woman I've long admired is a self described libertarian centrist who says she likes watching Bill O'Reilly and Fox News and would have campaigned for McCain if asked!

Everyone is entitled to their personal views, of course, and she does go on to demonstrate that she isn't opposed to Stem Cell Research, which is something (though she seems to excuse Bush for opposing it by noting that he felt an 'obligation to his religion', when religion should NEVER play a part in the governing of this country!).

It just made me sad to find out that she's not exactly who I pictured her to be.

Oh, well, at least we still have Betty White! Who, let's be honest, is way cooler than Mary anyway!

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