Monday, January 25, 2010

Nuke Day: Ironically, Justice is Blind

We started off in the hospital parking garage, where Reid and Kim had just had their little accident. Bob and Luke both rushed to Kim's side, while Reid began to pointlessly honk the horn of his (or rather, Luke's) car as if that would make them all get out of his way.

Luke called the police while Bob wanted to take Kim in for tests and she insisted she was fine. Reid had apparently decided to walk to the airport, or maybe hitch a ride, but Luke stopped him, telling him that he'd caused an accident and wasn't going anywhere.

Reid insisted that all of this was Luke's fault, not his, because of the whole kidnapping, private jet, surgery that most people wait a year for thing. Kim told Luke to just let Reid go, but Luke informed a newly arrived cop that Reid had just caused an accident and was trying to flee the scene.

Reid, referring to the cop as Officer Fife and condescendingly explaining to him what a neurosurgeon was, told him that he had patients who needed him waiting in Dallas and had to go. When the cop asked for his license and registration, Luke explained that the car was his and that Dr. Oliver had snatched the keys and taken it without his permission.

The cop handed Reid a summons and then, after he tossed it aside, told him he was taking him in to the station. Luke watched the whole thing with a huge grin of his face, clearly enjoying every minute of the show. After Dr. Oliver was gone, Luke picked up the summons and read the charges to Bob & Kim: driving with an expired license, operating a stolen vehicle, attempting to leave the scene of an accident, and resisting arrest.

Meanwhile, Noah was asking a nurse to get him his discharge forms. When she said she'd give them to his boyfriend, Noah told her that he wasn't waiting for Luke, he just wanted the forms and then a cab to get himself out of there. Great boyfriend, huh? I'm starting to really dislike Noah most of the time.

Luke returned before Noah could make his getaway, though, and found him trying to button his shirt. Luke tried to help, but Noah knocked his hands away, telling him that he could do it himself. Noah also told his boyfriend that he'd called a cab and needed to get away from Luke.

Ouch! But Luke was surprisingly calm and told Noah that he knew this was frustrating but that it might help if Noah didn't take everything out on him. Finally! I've been waiting for Luke to stop being Noah's emotional punching bag ever since the senseless lashing out began.

Noah claimed that he was just being honest and that Dr. Oliver had been his one shot at getting his sight back. Luke told Noah that Reid was an arrogant jerk and that Luke didn't believe that he was the only doctor who could help Noah.

When Luke reminded Noah that he was just trying to help, his boyfriend railed at him, saying that his idea of helping was taking him back to his Mommy's house and making sure his socks matched for the rest of his life. He added that he'd lost his one shot because Dr. Oliver hadn't been able to stand being around Luke.

Luke demanded to know how Noah could turn this around on him, and Noah said that this was what he was stuck with. Luke said that he himself didn't feel stuck, in spite of what Noah thought, but Noah said that he wasn't the same person that Luke fell in love with and that things had changed.

Luke took Noah's hand and said that he was right that things would never be the same, but that Noah was still the man he'd fallen in love with. Noah said that he wished he could believe Luke as much as Luke believed himself.

I'm sorry, but at the moment the Luke and Noah scenes are either painfully repetitive and boring, or they're making me hate one or both of the guys and leaving me wondering why they're even together in the first place.

I'd like to see them apart for awhile. Noah was much more watchable in his scenes with Maddie and Hunter last week, and Luke's scenes with Reid are burning up with potential and with chemistry. When they're together, though, Luke and Noah are starting to feel like scenes I'd fast forward through if they were any other characters.

Meanwhile, Reid was already before a judge (the legal system works fast in Oakdale, unless they're dealing with a crime that matters, like a serial killer stalking the teens of the town or when someone has been kidnapped by their wacko Grimaldi cousin and her gay twin brother/boyfriend) and was holding nothing back as he informed the judge that the doctors in the town had gone to clown college and that the cops were dumber than rocks.

Reid asked for his cell phone back so that he could book the next flight out of 'this town that time forgot' and the Judge informed him that he'd just revealed himself to be a flight risk. He ordered that Reid be held in custody until his trial, which was scheduled for the next month.

At that point, Dr. Bob Hughes showed up in court and asked to approach the bench. Addressing the Judge by his first name (which caused the usual snide comment from Reid), Bob told him that Kim had been in the car that Dr. Oliver hit.

While Bob tried to get a word in edgewise, Dr. Oliver kept interrupting with accusations of cronyism and of Bob trying to make the accident sound worse that it had been, until Dr. Hughes finally told him to do himself a favor and keep his mouth shut.

Bob told the Judge that Reid's skill as a surgeon was in direct proportion to his ego and that people could use his help. Dr. Hughes suggested that the Judge release Dr. Oliver to Bob's recognisance so that he could practice at the hospital in Oakdale under Bob's guidance while awaiting his trial.

Wait, an arrogant big city doctor sentenced to practice in a small town for damages caused in a minor auto accident? Isn't this an old Michael J. Fox movie called Doc Hollywood? Maybe next month, when Noah's eyes are all better, they can do a plot where our Mr. Mayer gets a job in the mail room of WorldWide and then sets himself up as an Executive on the sly! (Secret of My Success? Anyone?)

Back at the hospital, Luke and Noah were finishing up the paperwork to get Noah discharged. Noah said that he wasn't going to spend the rest of his life at Lily's place and Luke said that he wasn't, either, and that while they'd had to give up their mythical apartment, they'd get another one, equally mythical, when they were ready.

At that point, Reid stormed in, asking Luke if he was proud of himself and saying that he was stuck in 'OakHell' for a month because of him. Luke rather smugly told him that if he needed to get a surgery fix in during that time, Noah's case was still available. Dr. Oliver started to say that he wasn't taking Noah's case, but Luke chirped out that they'd call him for a consultation and then wheeled Noah away before another word could be said.

I like that Luke is starting to give as good as he gets when it comes to Reid. I love watching these two go round for round.

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