Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Kish: Revelation

We opened on an awkward moment at Oliver's place, where Rex was giving Fish a huge wad of cash for services about to be rendered (minds out of the gutter!), completely oblivious to the fact that across the room Kyle and Stacy were each trying to quietly kill the other using only their eyes.

Rex apologized to Kyle for cutting into his time with Fish, but Kyle said it wasn't a problem and then snarkily added that he wouldn't want anything to happen to Stacy. Ms. Morasco got a phone call from her partner in crime at that point and took it out in the hallway, sans protection. I'd have loved it if Mitch Laurence and Nurse Charles had popped out of the apartment across the hall and grabbed her!

Kyle asked Rex if he was sure he could afford round the clock protection for Stacy, and Rex said he'd do anything to protect his child. Kyle looked appropriately weighed down by his knowledge of Stacy's secret.

Once they were alone, Fish was going on about the money he was making from this job and how he could afford to buy Kyle that new phone he wanted. Aww! Kyle told Fish to keep the money in a tone that clearly said "I want no part of it" and Oliver asked him what was wrong.

Kyle said that he felt bad for Rex and Fish agreed, saying that he wouldn't watch Mitch Laurence coming after his kid, either. (Seriously, enough already writers! We get it!)

Kyle noted that in addition to psychopath Mitch, there was also sociopath Stacy to consider. Oliver came to her defense, sort of, by saying that she's not all bad and that he can see why Rex was drawn to her, that she can be seductive.

Kyle: Says the gay man.

Fish: Okay, I wasn't always gay! Okay, I was always gay, but I had my faux hetero moments and, you know, Stacy definitely took advantage of my confusion.

Kyle: Wait, are you saying you slept with Stacy Morasco?

Well, I guess Kyle and Oliver hadn't had this particular conversation yet after all. I thought at first that they might have had it offscreen, but once Schuyler filled Kyle in on the extent of Stacy's machinations and Kyle wasn't worried about the timing, it was pretty obvious that they hadn't talked about Fish's fling with Stacy yet.

Needless to say, Kyle was a little freaked out by this news and Oliver pointed out that Kyle knew he'd slept with women in the past. Kyle asked when Oliver had slept with Stacy and Fish told him about getting drunk at last year's Go Red Ball on Valentines day and going home with her. Although, I'm pretty sure that he wasn't actually drunk that time. It seems to me that he was feeling dejected over Layla not paying attention to him at all during the Ball and that Stacy basically just grabbed him and had her way with him.

Kyle seemed relieved that it was that far in the past, but asked if that had been the only time. Fish admitted that there had been one other time, the night before he came out. Poor Kyle looked like he was about to pass out over the implications of the timing.

Kyle sat Fish down and asked him to tell him everything that had happened between him and Stacy. Oliver was understandably taken aback by this, but Kyle asked him to humor him. Fish recapped the whole getting drunk after his confrontation with Layla/seeing Kyle with Nick thing, and sleeping with Stacy afterward. Kyle realized that it was the same week that Stacy had tried to seduce him.

Fish assured Kyle that he'd been tested after sleeping with Stacy and was totally clean. I'm glad they addressed that, by the way, since unprotected sex is always potentially dangerous but soaps tend to gloss over any risks involving heterosexual partners to tell accidental pregnancy or doubtful paternity storylines. Kyle assured Fish that being tested wasn't the issue here.

Fish: So then what's the problem? You can't think that I'm not committed to you or that I'm not actually gay?

Kyle: I know that you're gay. Okay, I knew before you did. And I know you love me. I love you, too.

Kyle proceeded to tell Fish about what he'd overheard between Schuyler and Stacy at the hospital, and about Stacy losing Rex's child and deciding to find someone else to get her pregnant again.

Fish: Schuyler.

Kyle: Actually, she came to me first.

Fish: Are you kidding?

Kyle: I'd helped her with some scams in the past. I guess I just drew the line at having sex with her.

Fish: Yeah, but I didn't. (a look of realization crosses his face) Oh, my God.

Kyle: Look at the timing. Stacy loses Rex's baby and in the course of a week she tries me, no dice, Schuyler, and then you. Bingo, she's pregnant.

Fish: So you're saying that the baby could be mine.

Brett Claywell and Scott Evans both did an excellent job today. Brett was great with projecting the almost physical weight that Kyle has been under since finding out Stacy's secret, and once Kyle realized that the baby could be Fish's, he came across as almost shell shocked.

As for Scott, he nailed Fish's reaction to the news, which seemed to be "I've totally screwed up my life" mixed with a dash of terror. It's probably scary enough to find out you're unexpectedly about to become a parent, but to realize that you're going to be tied to Stacy Morasco and the mess that is her very existence for the rest of your life... yikes!

I especially love that the show didn't have Kyle drag out keeping the secret. As soon as he realized Fish could be involved, he spilled the beans.

Great stuff, I can't wait to see what happens next! Fish is no Schuyler Joplin, so Stacy's secret isn't going to be under wraps much longer. The best part is that now that Fish knows, we've officially heard our last annoyingly clueless "If the baby were mine" comment!

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