Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Kish: Incoming!

Today's One Life to Live picked up right where yesterday's left off, with Fish hanging up the phone and telling Layla and Cristian that his parents were driving across country from Des Moines, headed for Llanview and intent on meeting their son's girlfriend.

Cristian pointed out, oh so helpfully, that this could be a problem since Fish no longer has a girlfriend. Sometimes, when I'm watching Cristian in a scene, I think of that moment on Friends where Joey says something incredibly dense to Rachel and she just pats his face and says "So pretty."

Fish felt that his life would be over once his parents arrived, but Layla suggested that it might not be so bad. They'd been so nice to her on the phone and they might just need some time to adjust to Fish's news. Fish agreed that they can be very sweet people, but they can also be intense. What, Fish wondered aloud, was he going to tell them?

Layla took Fish's hand and laid her head on his shoulder as she suggested he try telling them the truth. She pointed out that spending his life pretending to be something he's not must be exhausting and Cris chimed in to ask if telling him and Layla had made Oliver feel any better.

Fish agreed that it had, but reminded them that if he hadn't felt so bad about jerking the two of them around, he'd never have told them at all. Besides, they were his friends, not his parents. Layla promised that she & Cris would be there for him and that things would get easier once he'd told his parents the truth.

Fish: You don't know them. You don't know what they're like. But you will, and then you'll see why I can never come out to them. Not ever.

Layla: Okay, so your parents aren't going to march with you in the gay pride parade any time soon.

Fish: Admitting they have a gay son, that would be like denying God for them.

Cristian: You know, a half hour ago you were ready to move out because you thought there was no way Layla and I would want you around. Couldn't you be wrong about your parents, too?

Fish: Cristian, the church my father goes to donates to a ministry that helps gay people not be gay anymore. He thinks AIDS is divine retribution against homosexuals.

Layla: Well, maybe he'd change his mind if he knew that his own son was gay. What's more important, making your parents happy or being happy yourself?

Fish: Look, I know that some people have no problem cutting ties with anyone who won't accept them, but I'm not one of those people.

Layla: But Fish, if-

Fish: And I don't want to be! Okay? No matter what my parents say or do or think-

Layla: No matter how much they hurt you?

Fish: They're still my parents and I love them. Unfortunately, the only way for them to love me is for me to not be gay.

Fish told Layla and Cristian that he appreciated what they were trying to do for him, but there was no way he could come out to his parents. Layla asked what he was going to do and Fish sadly said that he'd think of something.

The rest of the scenes were Cris and Layla talking alone while Fish showered. Layla was feeling guilty that she'd pushed Fish too hard to come out, knowing that everyone has to do so in their own time. Cris wondered if Layla was really okay with the fact that she'd just lost a boyfriend that she'd really liked. Layla told him that as angry and hurt as she is, it's nowhere near the hurt Fish is feeling. Besides that, she knows that she'll get over this sooner or later, but Fish will probably feel guilty for what he did for the rest of his life.

That's pretty much where things ended today. Once again, my heart broke for Fish. He's facing something that so many LGBT people face when they come out to their friends and family, the very real possibility that they might be losing that person for good. Many people do choose to never officially come out to their loved ones because of that fear, but I think Fish will learn in time that someone who can't love you for being who you really are just can't love you, period. Living your life without officially saying the words to them is one thing, but actively pretending for their benefit is completely different and never really worth it.

At any rate, great scenes again today! I do wonder what Kyle is up to while Fish is finally admitting to being gay, though. I'd like to see some more Kyle/Nick scenes and of course some more Kyle/Roxy scenes. Still, I can't complain since this story is being told so beautifully thus far.

I can't wait to see what happens when Oliver's parents show up. It will be especially interesting to see Scott Evans' real life mother playing his mom on the show! As for his dad, I already hate the guy and I've not even laid eyes on him yet.

The best thing, though, is that One Life to Live is going to present parents who aren't accepting of their son's sexuality, but they're going to do it in a realistic way, rather than immediately going over the top and having the disapproving father try and kill his son's lover. Parents who are watching and may have these same issues with their own children can't relate to that sort of lazy, bad writing, but if told in a realistic way (which I have no doubt One Life to Live will do), the story stands a real chance of making a difference.

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