Saturday, September 19, 2009

Kish: Medals and Med School

Things were a bit quiet on the Kish front in the last couple of weeks. Fish was on in his capacity as a police officer for a big drug bust storyline, while Kyle hadn't been seen at all. That all changed this week, though, and their story is both thrilling and impressing me once again. I'm going to write up each of their episodes individually.

It started on Wednesday this week, with Fish's roommates surprising him with a breakfast celebration that included a framed copy of the front page of the newspaper which detailed his role in the drug bust. Fish had planned on celebrating by taking his very first day off since joining the force, but Layla told him that the Commissioner wanted to see him at the station.

Oliver quickly found a silver lining in the summons: at least working would keep his mind off the fact that his parents were arriving in town the next day to meet his new girlfriend. Cristian pointed out that Fish was a big hero now, but Oliver said that it didn't matter how heroic he was, his parents would still freak out if they ever found out he was gay.

Layla took that opportunity to present Fish with the book that Cristian had picked up for him. You remember, the one called How To Tell Your Parents You're Gay. Fish seemed taken aback that they thought he should come out to his parents at all (all that police work must have made him forget their conversation from a few weeks ago).

Cris shared the story of Carlotta seeing the book and thinking that Cris was gay. They all had a laugh over that, but Fish quickly asked if they'd told told her who it was really for, pointing out that Cris and Layla were the only two people who knew he was gay. They assured him that they hadn't said anything, but Layla asked if he really wanted to keep it a secret still.

Fish sort of side stepped the question by saying that with his parents, it didn't really matter how he told them since as soon as they heard the word gay they'd freak out. He did thank his friends for the book, though, and seemed genuinely touched by how they were trying to help him.

Across town, at the Buenos Dias, Kyle and his BFF Roxy were at last reunited onscreen, where they, too, were reading about the drug bust. Roxy spoke for all of us when she mentioned that she hadn't seen Kyle around in awhile. She'd wondered if that meant he was back together with Fish. Kyle said that was never going to happen and explained that he was dating another guy.

Roxy asked if the new guy was a keeper and Kyle, with an adorable grin on his face, said that he could be and that he was a good enough guy to make Kyle want to straighten up his act, so to speak. Kyle explained that he'd talked to the dean of the med school and managed to get readmitted and have his record expunged so that he could still graduate this year.

Roxy was thrilled for her friend but Kyle confessed that he just wished he could tell Oliver, explaining that Fish had warned the new guy Kyle was seeing that he was a loser. Roxy wondered if Fish was jealous and Kyle said that he was so deep in the closet that he actually thought he had a girlfriend.

Later, at the police station, Commissioner Buchanan held a press conference to honor the work of the special task force who'd helped bring down the drug ring (a drug ring, by the way, that was headed by the town Mayor!). Bo presented the heroes with medals, including our very own Oliver Fish. At the Buenos Dias, Kyle and Roxy were watching on TV and Brett Claywell managed to hit just the right note of pride mixed with sadness, using his facial expression alone.

Fish headed straight from the station to the Buenos Dias, where he and some of the guys from the station were going to be celebrating. A family diner seems an odd spot to choose for a police celebration, I have to say, unless of course you live in Mayberry.

As we all know, though, the real point was that he and Kyle run into each other, which they promptly did. Kyle told Fish how proud he was of him and said that he was sure Oliver's girlfriend was, too. Fish explained that she wasn't his girlfriend anymore and Kyle asked what had happened. Fish remained tight lipped, just saying that he was sure Kyle had a whole theory about that already.

Before they could talk any further, Kyle got a call on his cell phone and said that he had to take it- it was his boyfriend. Poor Fish! He looked so sad as Kyle walked out the door. Cris noticed it, too, and asked if he was okay. Oliver said that he'd decided to skip the whole celebration after all and Cris said the he should at least try and be proud of himself for five minutes!

Fish headed back to the apartment and started reading the book Cris got him. After he was gone, his parents showed up at the Buenos Dias and asked Cris for directions to his own apartment, mentioning that they were hoping to surprise their son. Here we go!

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