Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Amanda Returns!

Some good news for fans of the original Melrose Place: Heather Locklear will be reprising her role as Amanda Woodward on the new series this November 17th. It was pretty much inevitable that Amanda would be back at some point, given that she was the signature character of the first show, but I'm glad that it's going to be sooner rather than later.

I thought the second episode of the show, which aired last week, was better than the pilot, and not just because we got to meet the show's gay character, Caleb, played by the yummy Victor Webster. We didn't see very much of him, mind you, but maybe that will change in upcoming episodes.

For now, I'm just excited to see Heather Locklear back in Amanda's designer pumps! It will be interesting to see how she fits in with the current cast.

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