Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Setback in Maine

It looks like we've suffered another setback in the fight for marriage equality. I'm talking, of course, about Maine, where last May the state legislature passed a law allowing same sex marriage. The law was put on hold until voters had their say on it, though, and today they went to the polls. The latest projections seem to indicate that 53% of those who voted today did so in opposition to equality.

As certain as I am that you cannot halt progress forever, that we'll get to full marriage equality throughout the country eventually, it still hurts when people go to the polls and vote to deny basic rights to a huge segment of the population. It hurts not only because I am a part of the group being denied their rights, but because that's just not the America that we're supposed to live in. In the America that they teach us about when we're growing up, the very idea that someones right to get married could even end up on the ballot would be unthinkable.

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