Wednesday, November 25, 2009

Lambert Rocks The Early Show

Adam Lambert was on The Early Show on CBS today. He was scheduled to appear on Good Morning America, but after his AMA performance last Sunday, that show rather idiotically decided to cancel his concert.

I guess Good Morning America doesn't really care much for ratings. They had the perfect chance to have Adam discuss the controversy on camera for the first time, and instead they caved into pressure from the morality police.

Luckily, CBS jumped at the chance to have the most talked about person of the week, not to mention an artist whose debut CD is selling very well, on their show instead.

Adam gave a great interview in which he discussed the fact that the song he was performing is a sexual song to begin with, but admitted getting carried away in the moment. He pointed out that he's not a babysitter, though, and parents should be monitoring what their children watch if they're concerned.

He also mentioned the several potentially 'offensive' moments in earlier performances that night, from Lady Gaga's performance to Janet Jackson fondling a male dancer, and of course Eminem rapping about having a certain number of rapes under his belt, and noted that none of those moments have received the slightest bit of the outraged attention that he got.

They discussed the double standard that Adam mentioned immediately after the AMAs and Adam said that the fact that he's gay and male was the main reason behind the outcry. The interviewer tried to downplay the sexuality angle, noting that most people seemed upset by where he'd done this, rather than the fact that he'd done it at all, but ironically enough the double standard she seemed to want to deny was very much present in The Early Show's own coverage.

They blurred out the 'simulated oral sex' and the kiss between Adam and the other man, but then showed a clip of Madonna kissing Britney Spears and Christina Aguilera from 2003, with no blurring whatsoever! That's exactly what Adam was talking about!

At any rate, Adam gave a great interview in which he remained unapologetic (as well he should, in my view, since he had nothing to apologize for) but did say that in the future, he'll try and stick to how he did things in rehearsal rather than improvising in the moment.

Then, he performed two songs that happen to be my two favorites on his new CD, Whataya Want From Me and Music Again. They're both really great songs, the two that stood out for me the most as I listened to his album for the first time. Adam sounds really great on each song and I thought his performances this morning on the The Early Show served to remind everyone that while Adam can deliver with a great over the top performance like he did last Sunday, he's even better when it's just him singing with that hauntingly beautiful voice of his, without any frills or theatrics.

I hope the idiots at Good Morning America have been kicking themselves all day long.

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