Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Kish: First Fight

New Year's Eve has arrived a bit early in Llanview. Today's Kish scenes opened with Oliver waiting in Kyle's room for their big date, looking a bit uncomfortable while Nick lay in the bed, listening to his iPod and ignoring Fish. At first I thought Nick was glaring at Fish, but when I looked closer I realized that he actually had an expression of fear mixed with misery on his face.

The reason for the terror was explained when Kyle came out of the bathroom and told Fish that Nick had received word that his attackers' trial date had been moved up and Nick would have to testify in a few days.

Because of this, Kyle told Oliver that he couldn't leave Nick alone while they went out to celebrate the new year. Fish said that they'd only be gone for a few hours and pointed out that every time they'd tried to be alone over the past few days, Nick had needed Kyle. As the two started to talk, Nick surreptitiously turned down his music so that he could listen in.

Kyle asked what Fish meant and Oliver wondered if it had occurred to Kyle that Nick might be doing it on purpose. Kyle reminded Fish that Nick had nearly been beaten to death but before they could discuss this any further, Roxy showed up.

When Roxy spotted Nick in Kyle's bed she demanded to know what he was doing there and reminded Kyle that she'd told him on the phone that there was an empty room. Kyle, who naturally had no recollection of the conversation Roxy thought they'd had, wondered if Roxy had been overindulging in drink. Roxy told him to go ahead and play dumb, but that he shouldn't come crying to her when he screwed things up with Fish.

After she left, Kyle assured Fish that Roxy had never called with such a message. Oliver demonstrated his cop skills by pointing out that it may not have been Kyle who'd answered the phone. Maybe, he suggested, Roxy had delivered the message to Nick instead, thinking she was speaking to Kyle.

Why, Kyle asked, would Nick have not said anything? Oliver declared that it was because Nick wanted to stay there with Kyle and then both of the guys looked over at the bed, where Nick had removed one ear bud and was openly listening to them.

Nick insisted that he hadn't talked to Roxy and Kyle told Fish that as much as he loves her, Roxy's mind isn't exactly a steel trap. Fish seemed to let it go and said that they should probably start packing up Nick's things, since there was a room available.

Kyle asked Oliver if he could speak to him in private and they stepped out into the hallway.

Kyle: What is with you?!

Fish: He's working you!

Kyle: What?

Fish: He's trying to get you back.

Kyle: Wait, you think Nick did this on purpose?

Fish: Yeah.

Kyle: Okay, so, he decided to stay at my place, lies to Roxy, and pretends to have nightmares just so he can split us up?

Fish: Is that so crazy?

Kyle: Is this what happens when you become a cop, everybody's a liar?

Fish: Oh, shut up, Kyle!

Fish then asked if Kyle really thought that Nick's best friend Amelia would have turned him down for a place to recuperate. Kyle insisted that Dorian had been the one who said no to Nick's request, but Fish said that the new Mayor would have been unlikely to damage her very public pro-gay stance by refusing to house her wife's gay best friend, who'd just been gay bashed.

Clearly, Fish had been putting a lot of thought into this.

Kyle: So what are you saying?

Fish: I don't think Nick ever called Amelia.

Kyle: Yes he did! I was standing right beside him when he did it.

Fish (sarcastically): Okay, okay.

Kyle: No, it's not okay! I get that you're jealous, but if you remember I never ever would have got with Nick in the first place if you hadn't been so afraid to come out of the closet!

Low blow, Kyle! Poor Fish looked like someone had just run over his puppy. He told Kyle that he could have Nick and that he'd be at Ultra Violet if Kyle changed his mind. He looked like he was about to cry as he walked off.

I was left with conflicting emotions. First, Fish is so hot when he gets all worked up! If I were Kyle, I'd probably pick fights with him just to sit back and observe how sexy he was. Secondly, I was a bit ticked off at Kyle for being so naive. I get that he wants to see the best in Nick, who seems to be a really sweet guy outside of this plot, and that he hates what happened to him, but hasn't Kyle been involved in enough scheming on his own to be at least a bit suspicious of other people's motives?

I also liked that while Fish has clearly been suspicious of Nick from the beginning, he was a good enough boyfriend to not say anything before now. It's nice to see characters act with maturity and to know that Oliver trusts Kyle, even when he knows Nick may be up to no good.

Mostly, though, I just wanted to awwww over their very first fight as a couple!

Other than for a moment when he wordlessly ran into Stacy at Ultra Violet, we didn't see Fish again during the episode. Kyle and Nick, however, had one more scene. Kyle had returned to the room and apologized to Nick for Fish's behavior. He helped Nick sit down on the foot of bed and once they were seated, Nick didn't take his arm off Kyle's shoulders, but instead started to rub them, noting that Kyle had a knot that needed working out.

Again, Kyle's sudden naivete reared its head. Even if he was completely without suspicion before, he now knows what Fish has been thinking. Yet, having his ex boyfriend, the man who wanted to marry him less than two months ago, sitting very close and rubbing his shoulders doesn't seem to raise any red flags for him.

Kyle: Hell of a New Year's this turned out to be, huh?

Nick (looking at Kyle with a very lovesick expression): Hey, it's not over yet.

At that point, Nick moved in for a kiss that was telegraphed well in advance but which Kyle did nothing to halt either before or after their lips met.

That's where we left them today. I feel really sorry for Nick, but I'm glad that he's made his intentions clear instead of continuing to plot. I'm still hoping that once things are out in the open, Nick can have a love interest of his own.

Well, Kish have now had their first fight, so I guess the question is, will make up sex come next?

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