Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Obama's First Supreme Court Nominee

President Obama announced his choice to replace retiring Supreme Court Justice David Souter today: Federal Appeals Court Judge Sonia Sotomayor.

Sotomayor would be a historic pick as the first Hispanic ever to serve on the court, as well as being the third woman (and only the second currently) to take her place as a Justice.

From what I've read so far, Sotomayor seems to be a promising pick. I was hoping that Obama would select a woman (I still think it's a disgrace that the number of women on the court is as low as it is and that the last President allowed the number to be cut in half!), and Sotomayor has a very inspiring personal story, having been raised in the housing projects of the Bronx.

She's also been quoted as saying something that I think sums up exactly what I'd be looking for in a Supreme Court Justice:

"I strive never to forget the real world consequences of my decisions on individuals, businesses and government."

I want to hear more about her record, especially in relation to LGBT issues if she's presided over any cases involving them. So far, though, I'm really happy with this nomination. She isn't likely to change the balance of the court, since she'd presumably be a liberal voice replacing another such voice, but since she's only 54 she could easily serve for two or three decades, which would significantly strengthen the liberal half of the court.

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