Tuesday, May 12, 2009

No, We Can't

President Obama is continuing to be a disappointment on the issue of LGBT rights. In spite of the recent study that found the President could end discharges under the military's discriminatory Don't Ask, Don't Tell policy with one stroke of a pen in an executive order, the White House has stated that the President will not do so. President Obama prefers instead to keep the policy, under which people are still being discharged, in place while he consults the Joint Chiefs and Congress for a solution.

The President has it in his power to end discrimination right now and he won't do so. That's a pretty chilling reality, I have to say. Even if he manages to get legislation in place to make a change, it's not going to happen quickly. How many will be discharged in the meantime? Even one such discharge would be a stain on President Obama's record, to say nothing of his conscience.

It's looking more and more like LGBT issues are pretty much the last thing the new Administration cares to deal with. If that doesn't change soon, the President is going to find himself without much LGBT support the next time he's looking for votes.

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