Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Ed Westwick's Hollywood Screen Kiss

I think I've made it pretty clear in the past that I think Ed Westwick is incredibly sexy (especially when he's utilizing his real life British accent!) and that I'd be tuned in to Gossip Girl on a weekly basis if the show was even remotely watchable.

I've never read the books which are the source material, but when the show was first coming out I heard all about how some of the main male characters were gay or bi in the books, so I thought I'd give the show a chance. It certainly brought the pretty in the form of Chace Crawford and I instantly fell for Ed, but the show just seemed completely devoid of personality to me. It was like paint by numbers, teen drama style.

So, I gave it up, figuring that it was a combination of the show not being that interesting and me finally being past the stage of watching teen dramas. We all have to get there eventually, right?

While I'm still waiting impatiently to see Ed in something else, I've been completely content with the decision not to watch Gossip Girl... until today, that is, when I read that Ed's character, Chuck Bass, will be kissing another guy this coming season. Now, even though the scenario sounds ridiculous and like a one time thing that won't be explored further (though Chuck is apparently written as a bisexual character in the books), how can I not tune in to see Ed Westwick kissing another man?

The lucky guy, by the way, is one Neal Bledsoe, an actor who has had small roles on both Guiding Light and As the World Turns in the last few years.

So, for at least one episode this coming TV season, I'll be watching Gossip Girl. Or, more likely than not, recording it and fast forwarding through everything but Chuck's scenes. What can I say? Give me a little guy on guy action and I'll give you a second chance to win me over!

In all seriousness, though, I think this is actually an interesting step forward. Chuck Bass is written (on the show, at least) as a straight leading character on a teen drama and he's going to be kissing another man. It wasn't all that long ago that shows were shying away from letting their openly gay characters kiss on screen (and some still are), and now we've come to the point where it's okay to show an otherwise straight male character experimenting with a gay character.

That's pretty impressive, even if it is Gossip Girl and a one time ratings stunt. Most shows seem to shy away from bisexuality altogether, so it would be even more interesting if they decided to have Ed's character come out as bi, though I wouldn't hold your breath waiting for that. The show already has one gay character who, from what I've read, is barely ever given anything to do.

I have to wonder if Bledsoe's role is the one that Van Hansis tried out for on Gossip Girl. If it is, and I missed my chance to see Van and Ed making out with each other, I think I might cry!

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