Monday, February 08, 2010

Kish: Fish on the Mountain

Today's One Life to Live didn't feature Kyle, but we picked up right where we left off with Fish, up on Llantano Mountain with Rex in the middle of a blizzard.

After the action packed final days of last week, today was actually much more uneventful. The stories were furthered a bit, of course, but they're clearly saving the big moments for later in the week. Today was more about a few individual characters wrestling with their consciences, which took the form of imagined conversations with dead loved ones. Or Heavenly visits from said loved ones, depending on your point of view.

But back to our guy Oliver. We started right where we'd left off, with Rex wondering aloud why Stacy would have listed Schuyler as guardian of 'their' child in her will. Oliver nervously asked how he should know and Rex, with an annoyed roll of his eyes, told Fish that it was a rhetorical question.

Once he'd taken a good look at Oliver's guilty face, though, Rex realized that it might not have been so rhetorical a question after all and asked if Fish knew anything about it.

Oliver tried to sidestep the question, saying that Stacy and Schuyler must be close since they'd dated back when they lived in Las Vegas. Rex reminded Fish that Schuyler had helped expose Stacy's whole stem cell scheme and that she hated the guy now. Fish, who looked so cute in his knit hat that I had a hard time paying attention to the dialogue for a few seconds, said that Stacy may have found a way to forgive Schuyler.

Rex wasn't buying that, either, and I liked that they didn't have Oliver flat out lie to him, which would have been wildly against character for Fish, but rather stick to non-denials like "What would I know?"

That still didn't stop Rex from telling Fish that he was a lousy liar and demanding that Oliver 'give it to him straight'. Hmmm. I won't touch that one, it's just too easy.

Fish seemed to be on the verge of admitting that he knew something when he caught scent of the smoke from the nearby explosion that they'd both failed to notice. Fish realized a car must have gone through the guardrail and decided to climb down and see what had happened. Rex insisted on going with him, worried that it may have been the car that Stacy was in.

The guys found the 'burned to a crisp' remains of the vehicle Natalie, John, and Brody had been in, but no signs of bodies. Fish found a tracking device that he'd rigged the vehicle with when he set it up for John's prison break (the new police commissioner is in Mitch's pocket, remember), so they knew that it wasn't the car Stacy had been in.

Fish, ever the good cop, told Rex that his job was to sweep the area and look for survivors, since they knew that John, Brody, Dorian, and Schuyler were all out there somewhere. Rex told Fish to do what he had to do, but Rex himself had to find Stacy.

And so, the two men parted ways, without a situation requiring the need for sharing body heat having arisen. Maybe tomorrow? I'm picturing something with an abandoned cabin (they seem to be plentiful on soaps, and John and Natalie have already found one) and a bear skin rug in front of a fire...

Rex joined the legion of people wandering around that mountain in the snow, while Fish managed to find a spot where he had cell service. Instead of calling Kyle, as I'd hoped he was about to do, Fish responsibly called Marty and asked if she'd heard from John. Dr. Saybrooke hadn't, and Fish filled her in about the accident before hanging up.

I think my second favorite moment of the episode was when Fish had just hung up the phone with Marty and asked aloud "Where the hell is everyone?" He just looked so worried and adorable, but the sentiment itself made me laugh, since there are now twelve characters wandering around that mountain, all managing to miss each other somehow.

My favorite moment from today's show had nothing to do with Fish. It was the moment when Schuyler, who'd been wandering around in the snow, seemingly delirious as he talked about being the father of Stacy's baby, suddenly saw lights up ahead and realized he was close to the cabin. A split second later, a tree branch fell on his head, knocking him out.

Was I the only one who watched that moment five or six times? It was hilarious!

Well, that was all we saw of Oliver today, but I'm sure the action and excitement are going to be building up all week. Hopefully Kyle will be onscreen soon, too. There's got to be room up on that mountain for him and Roxy still, right?

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