Thursday, February 18, 2010

Kish: Breaking the News

Today's One Life to Live was pretty fantastic, and not just because Oliver and Kyle were together again onscreen. Amanda Setton's performance alone would have made today's episode noteworthy, but the entire episode was fantastic, a perfect way to wrap up the Llantano Mountain story and begin the aftermath.

As the episode started, it was finally morning on the mountain, and Rex and Oliver were still next to the frozen lake, waiting for the rescue crew to find Stacy's body under the ice. Fish told Rex that he'd been able to call the hospital and that Gigi and Schuyler had made it there with the baby, but he didn't know much more than that.

Rex was angry when the rescue team told him that they were calling off the search and that they'd probably not be able to find Stacy's body until the Spring, when the ice melted. I wasn't very pleased with this, either, since I'd like a bit of closure with this story and the lack of a body means they're leaving the door open for a possible return from the dead at some point.

The main rescue guy was kind of an ass, though, and seemed to take a little too much pleasure in bluntly announcing into his walkie talkie that he was making it official: Stacy Morasco is dead. I can only assume that the actor was a fan of the show who'd been eagerly anticipating Stacy's demise for months, like so many others.

At any rate, the reality of Stacy's death finally seemed to hit Rex and he talked to Fish about how much Stacy had cared for her little girl, no matter what lies she'd told. Oliver agreed and sadly noted that little Sierra was not only motherless, but fighting for her own life.

Fish told Rex he was heading back into town to file a report on Stacy's death and to see how the baby was. He offered Rex a ride back to town, but Rex wanted to be alone for awhile. Before Fish left, Rex asked him to break the news to Gigi about her sister's death.

Back at the hospital, Gigi and Schuyler were in with the baby, who was in an incubator, and awaiting the test results to find out what was wrong with her. At the same time, Kyle (who was on in a few scenes yesterday, but just to treat Natalie's sprained ankle) was outside the nursery window, looking in at baby Sierra with this almost indescribable look on his face, a mixture of worry for the baby and something like awe, as if he were thinking "Wow, this little girl is a part of Oliver!"

I hope they don't rush things, but I think it's clear that Kyle is going to love baby Sierra a lot and be a pretty amazing parent!

When Schuyler came out of the nursery, Kyle filled him in on how he'd told Roxy the truth about the baby and said that if Joplin needed to turn him in for breaching patient confidentiality, he could. Schuyler told Kyle that he'd already told Rex the truth himself.

Schuyler wanted to know if Kyle had heard from Oliver and told him about Stacy going through the ice and how they'd left Fish and Rex there to try and save her. They had a little talk about the baby's health and Kyle got the cutest smile on his face when he found out that her name was Sierra Rose. I think Kyle is already officially in love with this child.

After Schuyler left, Kyle looked in on the baby again and wondered aloud if she was Oliver's. Fish chose that moment to show up and the two of them shared a big hug, as if they hadn't seen in each other in weeks.

Fish apologized for not being able to call, but Kyle was just glad he was all right. Oliver asked how the baby was and Kyle told him they were still waiting for test results. Fish broke the news about Stacy, which Schuyler showed up in time to overhear.

Oliver and Kyle watched through the nursery window as Schuyler broke the news to Gigi. Kyle pointed out that all Sierra had now was a father, and that her father could be Fish. The gravity of the situation seemed to hit Oliver as he turned away, looking both sad and pretty scared.

At that point, a doctor showed up and announced to the guys that he was taking over Sierra's case and that he had bad news.

After Fish left Rex alone a frantic Kim showed up, looking for Stacy. Rex explained to her that Stacy had fallen through the ice and a panicked Kimmie wanted to get to the hospital and see her right away. Rex broke the news that they hadn't been able to save Stacy, and that's when Amanda Setton, whom I already loved, took things to a whole new level.

Kim broke down, first with denial, insisting that Stacy was a fighter and that they had to keep looking for her. At one point, she said "She's there, she's right there!", gesturing towards the hole in the ice as if she could actually see her there, and I had tears in my eyes!

Rex told her that they just hadn't been able to save her and that they wouldn't be able to find the body until Spring, and Kim sank to her knees, crying for Stacy. It was really pretty powerful. We don't know a whole lot about Kim's background yet, but from what we do know, Stacy is the one person she truly seemed to care about and who loved her back, and in light of that I think Setton's performance struck exactly the right note.

Rex, who'd seemed almost sympathetic at first, started to glare at Kim and then confronted her about the baby. In fairness to Rex, there was still some lingering question in his mind about the paternity, and he wanted confirmation from Kim, but I really wanted to punch him as he yelled at the sobbing woman who'd just lost her best friend.

Kim admitted that it was true and that just kicked Rex's rage up into a higher gear as he went on and on about Kim & Stacy making a fool of him and Schuyler being the father, until in the end Kim told Rex that Schuyler was no more the father than he was!

Are we really on the verge of the truth coming out so quickly? I thought it would take awhile before the paternity was officially confirmed, but maybe it won't. Things are definitely going to be interesting either way.

Today's show certainly saw some fantastic performances. In addition to Amanda Setton, I though Brett Claywell was really great as Kyle worried about the baby and then got the news about Stacy.

I can't wait to see what happens next. I love this show!

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