Now, I don't mean to sound completely superficial here. You know by now, I hope, that I love soaps primarily for the storytelling (at least when it's good), but I'd be lying if I said that all the beautiful guys showing off their bodies wasn't some part of the appeal!
In fact, when the shows are as awful as almost all of the American soaps are right now, the hot guys can quickly become the primary reason for watching. There's a fine line to be tread, of course. Take, for instance, the late, not-so-great Passions, which was chock full of incredibly hot guys to distract from the worst plots ever seen on Daytime TV. The writing was so bad, in fact, that the guys hardly ever wore shirts at all and eventually you just became completely immune to how hot the actors were!
I think Van Hansis is an amazing actor, as I've said many times. I also happen to think he's incredibly sexy and the fact that he's only had a small number of shirtless scenes during his time on ATWT makes me appreciate them all the more!

Reid argued a bit about not letting his feelings become involved in his work, but after Luke told him that he came across as cold Reid opened up about how the little girl had been the only one of his patients who, no matter how awful the treatment he'd had to put her through, always greeted him with a smile. He told Luke that he missed that smile.
I thought this was a great scene for Eric Sheffer Stevens. Luke was clearly moved by the way Reid opened up to him, but when he tried to reach out in return Dr. Oliver instantly became his snarky self again.
Luke pointed out that after all this time Reid still hadn't called him by his first name, always referring to him instead as 'Mr. Snyder', (I think that is awesome, by the way, because you know that first use of "Luke" is going to come at a pivotal moment for the couple and be a huge deal!) and noted that he called Noah by his given name.
Reid explained that this was because he and Noah had a clearly defined doctor/patient relationship. What, Luke wondered aloud, did that make him and Reid? An awkward silence followed before Reid thanked Luke for his help and excused himself for the night. Once they'd parted, each man paused for a moment of solitary thought, no doubt considering exactly what they wanted their relationship to the other to be.
The next morning, Reid knocked on Luke's door and Mr. Snyder, expecting room service, answered it wearing nothing but a towel. Oh, to be the bellboy he was expecting! (pics borrowed from Superherofan)

Reid played it remarkably calm and handed Luke some coffee with a comment about getting his butt in gear so they wouldn't be late for the hearing. As Luke headed towards the bathroom and dropped the towel (just as he was barely out of Reid's sight, of course) Dr. Oliver did look a bit hot under the collar.
When Luke was dressed and they were ready to head to the hearing, the two shared another nice moment when Reid mentioned that he appreciated Luke's help, even if he wasn't doing it because he cared about Dr. Oliver's career. Luke said that he did care, but before they could discuss it any further they were interrupted by a call from Noah, who was worried about where things stood with the hearing.
Reid assured him that it was just a formality and Noah said that he shouldn't have to go through the hearing alone. Dr. Oliver told him that he wouldn't be alone and promptly handed the phone to Luke. Noah expressed surprise that Luke & Reid hadn't killed each other on the flight and Luke, sounding more like he was trying to justify his reasons to himself than anything else, told Noah that if Reid lost his license, he wouldn't be able to perform Noah's surgery.
Noah thought that sounded just like Luke: putting aside his personal feelings about Dr. Oliver to help Noah. Yeah, because we'd all want to dump a guy like that, right Noah?
Luke told his ex that it wasn't as bad as he'd thought it would be and then got off the phone, saying that it was almost time for the hearing. After hanging up, Luke told Reid that he was going to be great and the two shared another smile packed with barely concealed longing.
I can't wait to see things progress between these two! The pairing of Luke and Reid has ignited in a way that I thought ATWT was no longer capable of.
I can understand why Noah fans are upset, of course. As a few of the people who left comments have pointed out, the writers have gone out of their way to truly create an interesting, dynamic character in Reid, whereas the character of Noah never got anywhere near that much effort.
I'm just going to sit back and enjoy the ride, though, and hope they'll go all out with the LuRe pairing and end on a high note in September.
Hey Seth,
Have been checking in periodically to see what you had to say about this ep. Finally! Anyhow, I can truly say that this was probably the best one I have ever seen on ATWT (involving Luke - that is all I have cared to watch). The acting, the writing, the tension, it was amazing!
I truly do wonder what the writers have in mind here. Reid is turning out to be such a catch, with so much great chemistry with Luke, that it will be laughable if we are eventually told that Luke will go back to Noah. Nothing against Noah for the most part, but they seem to have a very teenage, first love kind of dynamic and it just does not ring true that they would stay together for life.
Oh well, like you said, I am just enjoying the ride for now!
Oh, two other things:
1) What did you mean by "
Yeah, because we'd all want to dump a guy like that, right Noah?" Kind of unclear...are you referring to Reid?
2) In reference to the writers not putting as much effort into Noah - I'm sorry, no offense to Jake S., but do you really think his acting skills would have been capable of handling a complex character akin to Reid's? To put it bluntly, I don't.
In answer to your first question, I was being sarcastic. Noah was noting how like Luke it was to put Noah first over his own feelings and I was saying, sarcastically, that we'd all dump a guy like that if we had one (as Noah did).
Basically I was just saying, for the 30,000 time that Noah is an idiot for letting Luke go.
As for your second question, you're really trying to get me in trouble with the Jake/Noah fans, aren't you?! :)
Well, I've never claimed to be greatly impressed by Jake's acting. He's very likable and up to a certain point he had great chemistry with Van, but overall I'd have to agree with you that he wouldn't do well with complex, at least not based on anything he's shown us so far.
Still, that doesn't mean the writers shouldn't have written a better character.
Well, that's somewhat true that they should have put more into the character, but that was likely partially affected by what they thought Jake was capable of, and regardless, it is all water under the bridge now - Reid is here and he is just such a memorable, flesh and blood character that I don't want to slog through months of Noah trying to convince that he is more than a cardboard cut out. I think Luke should choose Reid.
I definitely agree with you there! I'd be okay with Noah getting his sight back and leaving town for film school in NYC or something.
Yes! I mean, why couldn't Luke and Noah just remain friends? I can totally see that. Luke would wish Noah the best in his film career, they would say a heartfelt goodbye to each other, and then get together once in a long while in NYC for coffee.
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