Friday, November 28, 2008

Van Talks Theatre

I'm enjoying a quiet day of recovery after yesterday's Thanksgiving feast and I hope you're all able to do the same.

In the spirit of this day of rest, I'm going to keep it brief.

Here's an interview with Van Hansis about his upcoming play, Dance Dance Revolution. Van talks about the production, which includes singing and dancing, and lots of un-Luke like cursing:

Weekly: You're not into the whole dancing and singing aspect of it?
Hansis: No, I'm dancing and singing in it. I knew that would be part of it. They knew how I danced and sang, and I still am doing it (laughs). It's so out there that it doesn't really matter that you don't have the strongest dancers or singers. They do have a core of 12 incredible dancers who back up the actors, who don't really dance as much. But we all hold our own. We all do pretty well.
I so wish I could see Van in this!

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