Sunday, November 16, 2008

Standing Up for Equality

I hope everyone has had a great weekend. Hopefully many of you got the chance to stand up for equal rights for gays & lesbians in the United States by joining one of the many simultaneous protests of Prop 8 across the country yesterday.

I live in a smallish city with a large University and our group wasn't huge but a fair number of people did turn out. Many people had gone to one of the two or three larger protests in cities nearby, I think, but it was still an amazing event. There were a few non-supportive passers by who felt the need to voice their narrow minded bigotry, shouted oh so bravely from car windows as they sped past, but the overall response from people was incredibly supportive.

I don't think it's a day that any of us will forget any time soon, and that goes for the thousands who turned out all over the country in various cities and towns. It's amazing how we can come together through adversity and turn ourselves into a force for real change. So many people were hurt and angry a few weeks ago when Prop 8 (and the other anti-gay measures in Florida, Arizona, and Arkansas) passed, but we're already turning those feelings into something positive that is going to make marriage equality a reality in this country.

On a related note, one of my favorite comedians, Wanda Sykes, joined the protest in Las Vegas and officially came out as a lesbian while doing so!

'Sykes... said the passage of California's Proposition 8 made her feel like she was "attacked."

"Now, I gotta get in their face," she said. "I'm proud to be a woman. I'm proud to be a black woman, and I'm proud to be gay." '

Congratulations, Wanda! I love that the visibility of gays and lesbians in the public arena is growing all the time.

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