Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Today's ATWT, Van Back to the Stage

Since I'm blogging more often, I'll probably cover each Luke & Noah episode of As the World Turns individually rather than saving up several and talking about them all at once.

The guys were on today (and will be on again tomorrow) and while it was not a great day for Luke, it was one for Van Hansis. I can't help thinking that Van has to be having the time of his life acting scenes like today's after playing the more or less saintly Luke for quite awhile now.

Today started with a hungover Luke getting the news from Brian (the man whom his Grandmother Lucinda hired to run Luke's new foundation) that his Grandmother's breast cancer has returned and that she's about to go into surgery for a second mastectomy. Luke also got quite the lecture from Brian about how he's wasting the second chance at life that his new kidney gave him while Lucinda is fighting to hang on to her own life.

Poor miserable Luke thought there'd be at least one bright spot in his life when Noah showed up at the hospital, but it turned out that he wasn't there to get back together with Luke, or even to offer him the tiniest bit of sympathy and support, but rather to drop off some flowers for Lucinda. It was particularly lame when Noah said he hadn't expected to see Luke there, given that Luke is pretty much the most family orientated guy around. Where else would he have been? But, this isn't Noah's fault so much as the fault of bad writing, so let's move on.

Being rejected by Noah again was too much for Luke to take and he fled to a bar where he bribed the bartender to serve him and proceeded to get wasted yet again. When his friends Casey & Alison showed up and tried to help him, Luke lashed out both physically, punching Casey in the face, and verbally, throwing Casey & Alison's own mistakes back in their faces before telling them that his life sucks but he doesn't need losers like them.

Needless to say, this was all very un-Luke like behavior, very well played by Van, and it will be interesting to see where this goes. Casey & Alison called Noah at the end of today's show to alert him to the state Luke is in and it looks like the two will have a confrontation tomorrow.

Meanwhile, Lucinda came through her operation and proposed marriage to Brian, with whom she'd been getting romantic before she found out her cancer had returned. This should be interesting, since he's clashed with Luke several times on how Luke being openly gay could negatively affect the foundation.

By the way, if you haven't checked out AfterElton.com's liveblogs of each Luke & Noah episode, you really should. They're hilarious. I read them after I've watched each Nuke episode and they can often be the only saving grace when the storyline is in a particularly bad spot.

To end on a completely shallow note, Van Hansis as drunk Luke: totally hot! Then again, Van Hansis as sober Luke is pretty damn hot, too.

Speaking of Van, he'll be doing double duty on stage and screen again next month when he stars in Les Freres Corbusier's Dance Dance Revolution on stage. The show is described in an article on AfterElton as follows:

'The stage adaptation will keep up the game's campy sensibility. It's set in an Orwellian society where a dance prophet named Moonbeam Funk helps dancing youth gangs rebel against a fascist government. The company working on the show describes it as "like Footloose set in the future -- but kind of scarier, and with 40 really attractive, barely-clothed young actors and buckets of free beer." '

The show will be at the Ohio Theatre in Soho December 3-20 and if you're lucky enough to see it... well, then I hate you. Okay, not really, but I am very jealous of you. I hate that I missed Van's performance in Die Mommie Die! last year and that I'll be missing this as well. I really need to move to NYC.

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