Saturday, May 01, 2010

LuRe Day: H-O-T

Last Wednesday was a LuRe day on As the World Turns, one in which Luke & Reid managed to turn the sexual tension between them up a notch or two, something I wouldn't even have said was possible given how high it already was!

Things started with Luke and Reid arriving at the good doctor's place just after they'd returned from Texas. Reid found a note from his roommate, Katie, saying that she was spending the evening with Nancy Hughes, and Luke said that since he'd just come over to say hi to Katie (yeah, right!), he'd better go.

Reid asked if Luke had another gala awards banquet to get to for his foundation and when Luke said that he didn't, Reid asked him to stick around so that he could buy him some pizza and a beer as a thank you for all his help.

Luke said that he didn't drink, so Reid offered to sweeten the whole pizza deal with 'watching the game' instead. Luke turned him down, saying that Reid didn't owe him anything.

Reid: And if you leave now, we can go back to being Dr. Oliver and Mr. Snyder and we don't have to talk about that kiss, is that the idea?

Luke: Well, there's nothing to talk about. A kiss is just a kiss.

Reid: Don't worry, Luke. It won't happen again. Unless you want it to.

Luke responded by taking off his coat and agreeing that pizza sounded good. He also totally checked out Reid's ass as he headed for the kitchen, another of those little moments that Van Hansis always adds that lend such a sense of authenticity to Luke.

While waiting for the pizza to arrive, Luke and Reid stationed themselves as far apart on the sofa as it was possible to be and discovered that the cable was out. I loved how adorably nervous and yet flirtatious Luke was during this scene, at least until the subject of Noah came up.

Luke teased Reid about how not being able to watch the game meant he'd have to make small talk and be civil until the pizza arrived. When Reid pointed out that he hadn't insulted Luke in over forty eight hours, Luke wondered what had happened to bring about that change.

Reid explained in an off handed manner that Luke got enough of that sort of thing from Noah. Luke protested that he and Noah were okay, but Reid said that Noah was still punishing Luke for the accident and should learn some gratitude.

Luke said that the accident was his fault, that he was distracting Noah while he was working on the fireworks. Reid pointed out all that Luke had done for Noah since and said that it was rude of Noah to keep dumping on Luke after all of that.

Reid went on to tell Luke that accidents happen and that they're not always someones fault.

Reid: It's not okay for Noah to beat up on you, calling the shots while you put your life on hold, waiting for him to come around. Aren't you sick of that yet? You sure as hell should be.

Luke seemed lost in thought at this point, but I for one was cheering. Finally! It needed to be said, and I love Reid more and more with each episode he appears in. It's partly the writing, of course, but Eric Sheffer Stevens just brings this character to life so perfectly.

Luke stood up and put on his coat, saying that he didn't want to discuss his relationship with Noah. What followed may not sound like much, dialogue wise, but it was the sexiest scene I've seen on this show in a very, very long time. Their body language, tone of voice, and the almost palpable sexual tension between these two was downright HOT.

They also got closer and closer to each other as they talked, with Van doing that thing where he looks from his partner's lips to his eyes and then back at his lips, which just drives me crazy. Something so simple, yet so sexy!

Reid: Okay, fine, we don't have to talk about it. We can talk about something else. Your foundation. How the Cubs suck almost as much as the Astros. Our kiss.

(Luke makes an amused sound)

Reid: What?

Luke: Now I'm the one that doesn't want to talk.

Reid: That's because you liked it.

Luke: There could be a lot of reasons for that. Like, it's been a long time.

Reid: And?

Luke: And, um, being wanted by someone like you, it's a compliment.

Reid: Yes, it is. And?

At that point, it appeared that Luke was moving in for another kiss, but of course the doorbell had to ring. It was such an intense moment that the ringing of the bell had me practically howling with frustration and disappointment!

While Reid was paying for the pizza, Luke answered his cell phone for him. Now, I don't hate Noah, but I don't think I've ever wanted to see him less than I did in this particular episode! I was so caught up in the Luke and Reid story that Noah's appearance, on the other end of the phone, felt like it sucked all the energy right out of the story.

At any rate, Noah was calling to check in with Reid, since his surgery was scheduled for the next day. Luke was surprised to hear this, and Noah seemed equally surprised to discover that Luke and Reid were now on a first name basis.

After Noah hung up, Luke wanted to know why Reid hadn't told him about Noah's surgery, accusing him of keeping it quiet because he didn't want Luke to rush to Noah's side. Reid pointed out that doctor patient confidentiality was involved and reminded Luke that Noah hadn't bothered to tell him either.

Reid sarcastically asked Luke what exactly he thought the sinister plan was: keep Noah blind so he needed Luke, or restore his sight so he wanted Luke back?

Luke: Who knows what you think? Because one minute you're this pompous ass and then the next minute you're kissing me and making me feel like...

Reid: Feel like what?

Luke: I don't know.

Reid: Yeah, you do. (Moves in close) How do I make you feel?

They were once again so very, very close to kissing when Reid's pager went off, alerting him to an emergency at the hospital. As Reid headed out the door, he had one final thing to say:

Reid: I don't play games, Luke, I'm not that guy.

Such incredible scenes! I really am completely under LuRe's spell!

For those diehard Nuke fans (and to be fair, Van Hansis recently said in an interview that he thinks the show should end with Luke & Noah together), there were some scenes to relish at the end of Wednesday's show.

Once Reid had left for the hospital, Luke returned home to Lily's and found Noah waiting for him outside. Noah told Luke that he'd spent so much time thinking about when the surgery would be that he hadn't really thought much about the reality of, you know, actually having brain surgery.

Noah said that he was freaking out but had tried not to bother his ex with it, since Noah had been otherwise pushing Luke away. He'd called Dr. Oliver instead, but when Luke answered the phone it had all come together for Mr. Mayer: Noah is scared and Luke is the only person he wants to be with.

Noah acknowledged that he's hurt Luke a lot but that he knows that Luke has really 'gone to the mat' for him. Noah awkwardly tried to explain where he was coming from and Luke helpfully said that he got that Noah wasn't there to proclaim his undying love. Noah said he didn't mean it to sound like that, so Luke asked what it was that he wanted.

Noah said that with his dad in prison and his mother dead, he'd like for there to be someone who would be there waiting, caring what happens to him while he's having brain surgery. Luke told Noah that if he wanted him to be there, he would be.

Noah said that he hadn't been sure, with everything he'd put Luke through, that his ex would even want to be there. Luke assured him that he'd be there every step of the way, through surgery and recovery, for as long as Noah wanted.

The scene ended with Noah and Luke hugging and Luke assuring Noah that he was going to be okay.

For me, the Nuke scenes summed up perfectly where Luke & Noah are at. I think they love each other, but aren't really in love with each other anymore. They really seem like two people who care deeply for each other, who have a shared history but not a common future.

I'm sure the Nuke fans see it completely differently, of course. I've always said that a good love triangle should have people rooting strongly for both pairings. Maybe ATWT, after the debacle that was the Mason Jarvis storyline, is finally writing that for us.


Anonymous said...

Thanks Seth for a great recap! I have been waiting to see what you had to say. Again, just when I think this pairing can't get any better they up the ante. I for the life of me will never understand why VH lobbies at all for a Nuke reunion. Is he even paying attention to his character's development at all? The one thing I remind myself is that he has been surrounded by Nukies for years now and may think they are more representative of the viewing audience as a whole than they really are.

Seth said...

I was surprised by Van's comment, too. He sees Luke & Noah as Romeo and Juliet, only without the suicide?

Well, I guess he's right in the sense that R&J were young kids and not really capable of a mature relationship, like the one Luke would have with Reid. :)

Anonymous said...

What's your thought on a final Nuke reunion? Do you think it's a done deal or do you think the writers have something else up their sleeves (and are perhaps noticing how little mourned the pairing of Nuke is in the face of Reid and Luke)?

Seth said...

Well, I think they have to know by now how popular the Luke & Reid pairing is. I'm hoping that will effect the final outcome of the story.

I wouldn't be surprised in the least, though, if a Nuke reunion was their plan. Still, until they've finished filming there is still time for them to change their minds.

With how much this show has disappointed me over the years, though, I'd still place a bet on a Nuke finale over a LuRe finale at this point.

Anonymous said...

I also thought it was pretty interesting that Lukevanfan, the guy who has always been uploading the Noah/Luke vids, and now the Noah/Luke/Reid vids (but with lots of disrespect to Reid/Luke in his headings) has not turned off the comments in his vids. He has never done this before in 3 years, and yet claims that it is because people are posting spoilers. The real reason based on actually reading the comments over the past weeks, is that Reid/Luke were getting a majority of approving comments and Lukevanfan is threatened by that. It just irritates me to no end that people like him may be able to influence the ending!

Seth said...

Well, there are definitely strong feelings on both sides. I hope that if the show is swayed by fans they'll be looking at all of the blogs and sites devoted to the story.

Fans can also write or call in to voice their opinions, and I hope the LuRe fans are doing that.

Anonymous said...

Yes, there are quite a bunch of us who are writing/calling in, and we will keep it up!

Oh, and I meant to write 'now' not 'not' in my last post, which I know you already know...